Despite the fact that managing emails is a trouble–free task, handling the email accounts for any site might be a laborious procedure. Unless you possess a simple to use interface, like GiantHosts’s E Mail Manager that can help you to get the job done. It has many different incorporated important tools that can help you execute complex things in just a few mouse–clicks. Have a look at everything that our E Mail Manager is capable of doing for YOU!

Anti–Spam Protection

Get rid of spam with a click

Through the E Mail Manager within the Site Control Panel, you are able to take control of junk mail messages. The integrated anti–spam tool filters inbound emails and you can tailor its volume of control with merely a click of the mouse. You might also designate a unique degree of spam protection for every mailbox.

There are 2 basic ways that our system handles messages flagged as spam. You can pick whether a spam email should be erased, or forwarded to a selected mailbox.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Forwarding

1–click re–direction of emails

With the help of the Email forwarding tool, it is easy to direct each of the email messages mail addressed at a mailbox to a new mailbox of your choice (either hosted inside the same web hosting account or someplace else on the web).

To forward an e–mail, just select it through the drop–down list after which identify the e–mail account you’d like to have all delivered messages to get delivered to. After that, you’re given the opportunity to pick whether or not you’ll need a duplicate of each message to be kept in the mailbox which you forward or not.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Filters

Organize your mailboxes effortlessly

When you receive a number of emails on a daily basis, it’s essential to have them organized. By reason of this GiantHosts offers server–side email filters that come into action even before you look at your mailbox for new messages. Therefore, when you make your customized spam filters, you will not discover spam within your mailbox!

Configuring brand new email filters is very trouble–free. You’ll need to specify exactly what the filter has to search for, the spot that the filter looks for it (subject, body, etc.) and what transpires with the filtered emails.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Protection

DomainKeys together with SPF protection for your personal e–mail address

We have applied measures to further shield your email accounts from trash activities. When using the SPF protection solution it is easy to state the servers which are approved to transmit mail with respect to your web address. That way, emails appearing like they are from your site that did not originate from your authorized list of machines are going to be immediately thrown to the spam folder.

We have at the same time enabled DomainKeys for all your email accounts in your account. DomainKeys is an email verification system that determines the authenticity of an e–mail by validating the mail server of the email sender and the message integrity.

Hepsia File Manager

Email Auto–Configure Option

Prompt PC e–mail setup

Through the auto–configure function of the E Mail Manager, you are able to set up mail accounts on your favorite desktop mail client with a a click of the mouse. Just click on the icon belonging to the e–mail client that you would like to employ for a selected email address and download its auto–configuration file. This will instantly make your inbox inside your preferred desktop client.

We have designed configuration files for probably the most widely–used email clients – Mozilla Thunderbird, Outlook, Outlook Express and Mac Mail.

Hepsia File Manager


Offered on any device, anyplace

If you do not have the option to access an email client, it’s easy to check your e–mail via GiantHosts’s email client – Roundcube. There’s only one website URL you should recall, and you can now visit it using any kind of web–connected system from any location!

You could also instantly sign in from your Site Control Panel, while not having to provide any e–mail sign in data.

Hepsia File Manager